Starting to use the Galera cluster

Starting to use the Galera cluster

In my previous post I wrote about getting a MariaDB Galera cluster  started on Kubernetes. One of my open issues was how to get my existing VM to connect to it. With Microsoft Azure the first thing is to add Network peering between the Kubernetes cluster and the normal VM network. As previously mentioned the internal IPv4 address of the Galera service is not reachable from outside and the three types of exposing a service are:

  • LoadBalancer
  • ClusterIP
  • NodePort

While the default Microsoft Azure setup already has two LoadBalancers, the kubectl expose –type=LoadBalancer command does not seem to allow me to chose which load balancer to use. So after trying this command my Galera cluster was reachable through a public IPv4 address on the standard MySQL port. While it is password protected it didn’t seem like a good idea. To change the config you can use something like kubectl edit srv/galera-cluster and change the type to another one. Then I tried the NodePort type and got the MySQL port exposed on all masters and thanks to the network peering was able to connect to them directly. Then I manually modified the already configured/created Microsoft Azure LoadBalancer for the three masters to export port 3306 and map it to the internal port. I am also doing a basic health check which checks if port 3306 can be connected to.

Now I can start using the Galera cluster from my container based deployment before migrating it fully to Kubernetes. My next step is probably to improve the health checks to only get primaries listed in the LoadBalancer and then add monitoring to it as well.

Galera on Kubernetes

Galera on Kubernetes

As part of my journey to “cloud” computing I built a service that is using MySQL and as preparation for the initial deployment I set myself the following constraints:

  • Deploy in containers
  • Be able to tolerate some failure of ” VM”s
  • Be able to grow/replace storage without downtime


There are pre-made mariadb:10.1 containers but to not rely on a public registry I have used the Microsoft Azure Container Service to upload my container. The integration into the standard docker tools to create and upload containers just worked. It allows me to give a place for modified containers as well.


With Azure it doesn’t seem possible to online resize (grow) a volume and if I ever want to switch from ext4 to xfs (or zfs?) I should run some form of fault tolerant MySQL to take a node and upgrade it. These days MariaDB 10.1 includes Galera support and besides some systematic issues (which I don’t seem to run in as I have little to no transactions) it seems quite easy to set-up.

Fault tolerance

Fault tolerance comes in a couple flavors. Galera is a multi-master database where the cluster will continue to allow writes as long as there is a majority of active nodes. If I start with three nodes, I can take one off the cluster to maintain.

Kubernetes will reschedule a pod/container to a different machine (“agent”) in case one becomes unhealthy and it will expose the Galera cluster through a LoadBalancer and a single IPv4 address for it. This means only active members of the cluster will be contacted.

The last part is provided by Microsoft Azures availability set. Distributing the Agents into different zones should prevent all of them to go down at the same time during maintenance.

So in theory this looks quite nice, only practice will tell how this will play out.


After having picked Microsoft Azure, Kubernetes and Galera, it is time to set it up. I have started with an example found here. I had to remove some labels to make it work with the current format, moved the container to mariadb:10.1 and modified the default config.

I had to look a bit on how to get persistent storage. I am directly mounting the disk for the pod an alternative is a persistent volume claim. This might be a better approach.

The biggest issue is starting the first service. It requires to pass special parameters to initialize the cluster and involved a round of kubectl edit/kubectl delete to get it up. Having the second and third member join was more easy.


Besides having to gain more experience with it, I do face a couple of problems with this setup and need to explore solutions (or wait for comments?).

I deployed my application before having a Kubernetes cluster and now need to migrate. The default networking of Kubernetes works by adding a lot of masquerading entries on agents and masters. In the cluster these addresses are routable by masquerading but from external they are not reachable. I need to find a way to access it, probably by sacrificing some redundancy first. The other option is to use kubectl expose but I don’t want my cluster to have a public IPv4 address. I need to see how to have an internal load balancer with a private/internal IPv4 address.

Galera cluster management is a bit troubling. The first time I start with a new disk it will not properly connect to the master but would register itself to the LoadBalancer/Service. I manually need to do a kubectl delete of the pod and wait for it to reschedule. That is probably easy to fix. The second part of the problem is that I should use health checks and only register the pod once it has connected and synced to the primaries.

Rolling upgrades seem to have a systematic issue too. The default way for the built-in replication controller looks like a new pod (N+1) will be launched and brought up and then the current galera node will be stopped (back to N). This falls apart with the way I mount the storage/disk. E.g. the new pod can not mount the disk as it is already mounted and the old pod will not be deleted.

Least problematic is auto-scaling. In the example set-up each node is a service by itself, using one persistent disk. It makes scaling the cluster a bit difficult. I can add new nodes and they will discover the master(s) but to have the masters remember the new nodes, I would need to have the pods recycle.


Kubernetes on Microsoft Azure

Kubernetes on Microsoft Azure

The recent Amazon S3 outage should make a strong argument that centralized services have severe issues, technically but from a business point of view as well(you don’t own the destiny of your own product!) and I whole heartily agree with “There is no cloud, it’s only someone else’s computer”. 

Still from time to time I like to see beyond my own nose (and I prefer the German version of that proverb!) and the current exploration involves ReactJS (which I like), Tensorflow (which I don’t have enough time for) and generally looking at Docker/Mesos/Kubernetes to manage services, zero downtime rolling updates. I have browsed and read the documentation over the last year, like the concepts (services, replication controller, pods, agents, masters), planned how to use it but because it doesn’t support SCTP never looked into actually using it.

Microsoft Azure has the Azure Container Services and since end of February it is possible to create Kubernetes clusters. This can be done using the v2 of the Azure CLI or through the portal. I finally decided to learn some new tricks.

Azure asks for a clientId and password and I entered garbage and hoped the necessary accounts would be created. It turns out that the portal is not creating it and also not doing a sanity check of these credentials and second when booting the master it will not properly start. The Microsoft support was very efficient and quick to point that out. I wish the portal would make a sanity check though. So make sure to create a principal first and use it correctly. I ended up creating it on the CLI.

I re-created the cluster and executed kubectl get nodes. It started to look better but one agent was missing from the list of nodes. After logging in I noticed that kubelet was not running. Trying to start it by hand shows that docker.service is missing. Now why it is missing is probably for Microsoft engineering to figure out but the Microsoft support gave me:

sudo rm -rf /var/lib/cloud/instances

sudo cloud-init -d init

sudo cloud-init -d modules -m config

sudo cloud-init -d modules -m final

sudo systemctl restart kubelet

After these commands my system would have a docker.service, kubelet would start and it will be listed as a node. Commands like kubectl expose are well integrated and use a public IPv4 address that is different from the one used for ssh/management. So all in all it was quite easy to get a cluster up and I am sure that some of the hick-ups will be fixed…

Captain obvious: Sign a contract before starting to work

Captain obvious: Sign a contract before starting to work

I have worked as a freelancer for more than a decade and was very very fortunate with the projects and partners I had. I apparently let my guards down a little bit too much and this is a reminder what to look-out for.

I have nice memories working with the Trolltech PSO team and helping with architecture, performance and low-level debugging in South Korea but when Nokia stopped investing into Qt my work on Qt and QtWebKit halted and I moved to work exclusively on GSM/3G systems. Through linkedin I got approached by a Korean business owner that spent some time working in Norway and for some companies well known to (old) Qt developers with something that looked like an opportunity to pick-up my old work. Given the common background and my work in Korea I immediately trusted this person.

I have a thing for tight deadlines and some forms of death march projects and was curious of how much the landscape changed. I thought we agreed on times and material for an exploration phase to see if the rest of the project is feasible and depending on the result move on or not, HW was sent and while there was no signed agreement I began to work. The exploration was fun but the setting was difficult and turns out there was no intention to pay for the exploration phase.

Which brings me to things I have to remember and want to share with you:

  • Don’t start to work before there is a written and signed agreement
  • If there is a tight deadline the burden on making the contract is on your customer and not you. If the contract is too long to read, reject it.
  • Don’t take the risk of unpaid exploration if you have no influence on the final project
State of structured text for technical documentation

State of structured text for technical documentation

A long time ago I wrote the OpenEmbedded User Manual and back then the obvious choice was to make it a docbook. In my community there were plenty of other examples that used docbook and it helped to get started. The great thing of docbook was with one XML input one could generate output in many different formats like HTML, XHTML, ePub or PDF. It separated the format from the presentation and was tailored for technical documents and articles with advanced features like generating a change history, appendix and many more. With XML entities it was possible to share chapters and parts between different manuals.

When creating Sysmocom and starting to write our usermanuals we have continued to use docbook. After all besides the many tags in XML it is a format that can be committed to git, allowing review and the publishing is just like a software build and can be triggered through git.

On the other hand writing XML by hand, indenting paragraphs to match the tree structure of the document is painful. In hindsight writing a docbook feels more like writing xml tags than writing content. I started to look for alternatives and heard about asciidoc, discarded it and then re-evaluated and started to use it as default. The ratio of content to formatting is really great. With a2x we continued to use docbook/dblatex to render the document. With some trial and error we could even continue to use the docbook docinfo (-a docinfo and a file manual-docinfo.xml). And finally asciidoc can be used on github as well. It works by adding .adoc to the filename and will be rendered nicely.

So with asciidoc, restructured text (rst), markdown (md) and many more (textile, pillar, …) we have great tools that make it easier to focus on the content and have an okay look. The downside is that there are so many of them now (and incompatible dialects). This leads to rendering tools having big differences, e.g. not being able to use a docinfo for PDF generation, being able to add raw PDF commands, etc.

I am currently exploring to publish documentation on and my issue is that they are using Python sphinx which only works with markdown or restructure text. As github can’t

In the attempt to pick-up users where they are I am exploring to use as an additional channel for documents. The website can integrate with github to automatically rebuild the documentation. One issue is that they exclusively use Python sphinx to render the documentation and that means it needs to use rst or markdown (or both) as input.

I can go down the xkcd way and create a meta-format to rule them all. Try to use pandoc to convert these documents on the fly (but pandoc already had some issues with basic tables rst) or switch the format. I looked at rst2pdf but while powerful seems to be lacking the docinfo support and markdown. I am currently exploring to stay with asciidoc and then use asciidoc -> docbook -> markdown_github for readthedocs. Let’s see how far this gets.

Starting with a Diameter stack

Starting with a Diameter stack

Going from 2G/3G requires to learn a new set of abbreviations. The network is referred to as IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) and the HLR becomes Home subscriber server (HSS). ITU ASN1 to define the RPCs (request, response, potential errors), message structure and encoding in 2G/3G is replaced with a set of IETF RFCs. From my point of view names of messages, names of attributes change but the basic broken trust model remains.

Having worked on probably the best ASN1/TCAP/MAP stack in Free Software it is time to move to the future and apply the good parts and lessons learned to Diameter. The first RFC is to look at is RFC 6733 – Diameter Base Protocol. This defines the basic encoding of messages, the requests, responses and errors, a BNF grammar to define these messages, when and how to connect to remote systems, etc.

The core part of our ASN1/TCAP/MAP stack is that the 3GPP ASN1 files are parsed and instead of just generating structs for the types (like done with asn1c and many other compilers) we have a model that contains the complete relationship between application-context, contract, package, argument, result and errors. From what I know this is quite unique (at least in the FOSS world) and it has allowed rapid development of a HLR, SMSC, SCF, security research and more.

So getting a complete model is the first step. This will allow us to generate encoders/decoders for languages like C/C++, be the base of a stack in Smalltalk, allow to browse the model graphically, generate fancy pictures, …. The RFC defines a grammar of how messages and grouped Attribute-Value-Pairs (AVP) are formatted and then a list of base messages. The Erlang/OTP framework has then extended this grammar to define a module and relationships between modules.petitparser_diameter

I started by converting the BNF into a PetitParser grammar. Which means each rule of the grammar becomes a method in the parser class, then one can create a unit test for this method and test the rule. To build a complete parser the rules are being combined (and, or, min, max, star, plus, etc.) with each other. One nice tool to help with debugging and testing the parser is the PetitParser Browser. It is pictured above and it can visualize the rule, show how rules are combined with each other, generate an example based on the grammar and can partially parse a message and provide debug hints (e.g. ‘::=’ was expected as next token).

After having written the grammar I tried to parse the RFC example and it didn’t work. The sad truth is that while the issue was known in RFC 3588, it has not been fixed. I created another errata item and let’s see when and if it is being picked up in future revisions of the base protocol.

The next step is to convert the grammar into a module. I will progress as time permits and contributions are more than welcome.

Releasing the diag-parser utility

Releasing the diag-parser utility

Have you ever wondered if a sendAuthenticationInfo result makes it from the HLR to the MS or the authenticationFailureReport back to the HLR or how the result of a updateLocation is presented on the A interface? Have you had issues with your IoT device to open a data session and couldn’t see what happened?

To answer these question we are pleased to release our Free Software diag-parser for baseband diagnosis to convert the proprietary DIAG format to the Osmocom GSMTAP industry standard. The utility should work with a variety of Qualcomm based cellular modems.

Analyze cellular problems using Quectel modules

Analyze cellular problems using Quectel modules


Previously I have written about connectivity options for IoT devices and today I assume that a cellular technology (e.g. names like GSM, 3G, UMTS, LTE, 4G) has been chosen. Unless you are a big vendor you will end up using a module (instead of a chipset) and either you are curious what the module is doing behind its AT command interface or you are trying to understand a real problem. The following is going to help you or at least be entertaining.

The xgoldmon project was a first to provide air interface traces and logging to the general public but it was limited to Infineon baseband (and some Gemalto devices), needed special commands to enable and didn’t include all messages all the time.

In the last months I have intensively worked with modules of a vendor called Quectel. They are using Qualcomm chipsets and have built the GSM/UMTS Quectel UC20 and the GSM/UMTS/LTE Quectel EC20 modules. They are available as a variant to solder but for speeding up development they provide them as miniPCI express as well. I ended up putting them into a PCengines APU2, soldered an additional SIM card holder for the second SIM card, placed U.FL to SMA connectors and put it into one of their standard cases. While the UC20 and EC20 are pretty similar the software is not the same and some basic features are missing from the EC20, e.g. the SIM ToolKit support. The easiest way to acquire these modules in Europe seems to be through the above links.

The extremely nice feature is that both modules export Qualcomm’s bi-directional DIAG debug interface by USB (without having to activate it through an undocumented AT command). It is a framed protocol with a simple checksum at the end of a frame and many general (e.g. logging and how regions are described) types of frames are known and used in projects like ModemManager to extract additional information. Some parts that include things like Tx-power are not well understood yet.

I have made a very simple utility available on github that will enable logging and then convert radio messages to the Osmocom GSMTAP protocol and send it to a remote host using UDP or write it to a pcap file. The result can be analyzed using wireshark.


You will need a new enough Linux kernel (e.g. >= Linux 4.4) to have the modems be recognized and initialized properly. This will create four ttyUSB serial devices, a /dev/cdc-wdmX and a wwanX interface. The later two can be used to have data as a normal network interface instead of launching pppd. In short these modules are super convenient to add connectivity to a product.

PCengines APU2 with Quectel EC20 and Quectel UC20


The repository includes a shell script to build some dependencies and the main utility. You will need to install autoconf, automake, libtool, pkg-config, libtallocmake, gcc on your Linux distribution.

git clone git://
cd diag-parser


Assuming that your modem has exposed the DIAG debug interface on /dev/ttyUSB0 and you have your wireshark running on a system with the internal IPv4 address of you can run the following command.

./diag-parser -g -i /dev/ttyUSB0


Analyzing UMTS with wireshark. The below shows a UMTS capture taken with the Quectel module. It allows you to see the radio messages used to register to the network, when sending a SMS and when placing calls.

Wireshark dissecting UMTS
Using docker at the Osmocom CI

Using docker at the Osmocom CI

As part of the software development we have a Jenkins set-up that is executing unit and system tests. For OpenBSC we will compile the software, then execute the unit tests and finally run a bunch of system tests. The system tests will verify making configuration changes through the telnet interface, the machine control interface, might try to connect to other parts, etc.

In the past this was executed after a committer had pushed his changes to the repository and the build time didn’t matter. As part of the move to the Gerrit code review we execute them before and this means that people might need to wait for the result… (and waiting for a computer shouldn’t be necessary these days).
sysmocom is renting a dedicated build machine to speed-up compilation and I have looked at how to execute the system tests in parallel. The issue is that during a system test we bind to ports on localhost and that means we can not have two test runs at the same time.
I decided to use the Linux network namespace support and opted for using docker to achieve it. There are some hick-ups but in general it is a great step forward. Using a statement like the following we execute our CI script in a clean environment.

$ docker run –rm=true -e HOME=/build -w /build -i -u build -v $PWD:/build osmocom:amd64 /build/contrib/

As part of the OpenBSC build we are re-building dependencies and thanks to building in the virtual /build directory we can look at archiving libosmocore/libosmo-sccp/libosmo-abis and not rebuild it all the time.
Collecting network traffic, ØMQ and packetbeat

Collecting network traffic, ØMQ and packetbeat

As part of running infrastructure it might make sense or be required to store logs of transactions. A good way might be to capture the raw unmodified network traffic. For our GSM backend this is what we (have) to do and I wrote a client that is using libpcap to capture data and sends it to a central server for storing the trace. The system is rather simple and in production at various customers. The benefit of having a central server is having access to a lot of storage without granting too many systems and users access, central log rotation and compression, an easy way to grab all relevant traces and many more.
Recently the topic of doing real-time processing of captured data came up. I wanted to add some kind of side-channel that distributes data to interested clients before writing it to the disk. E.g. one might analyze a RTP audio flow for packet loss, jitter, without actually storing the personal conversation.
I didn’t create a custom protocol but decided to try ØMQ (Zeromq). It has many built-in strategies (publish / subscribe, round robin routing, pipeline, request / reply, proxying, …) for connecting distributed system. The framework abstracts DNS resolving, connect, re-connect and exposes very easy to build the standard message exchange patterns. I opted for the publish / subscribe pattern because the collector server (acting as publisher) does not care if anyone is consuming the events or data. The message I sent are quite simple as well. There are two kind of multi-part messages, one for events and one for data. A subscriber is able to easily filter for events or data and filter for a specific capture source.
The support for Zeromq was added in two commits. The first one adds basic zeromq context/socket support and configuration and the second adds sending out the events and data in a fire and forget manner. And in a simple test set-up it seems to work just fine.
Since moving to Amsterdam I try to attend more meetups. Recently I went to talk at the local Elasticsearch group and found out about packetbeat. It is program written in Go that is using a PCAP library to capture network traffic, has protocol decoders written in go to make IP re-assembly and decoding and will upload the extracted information to an instance of Elasticsearch.  In principle it is somewhere between my PCAP system and a distributed wireshark (without the same amount of protocol decoders). In our network we wouldn’t want the edge systems to directly talk to the Elasticsearch system and I wouldn’t want to run decoders as root (or at least with extended capabilities).
As an exercise to learn a bit more about the Go language I tried to modify packetbeat to consume trace data from my new data interface. The result can be found here and I do understand (though I am still hooked on Smalltalk/Pharo) why a lot of people like Go. The built-in fetching of dependencies from github is very neat, the module and interface/implementation approach is easy to comprehend and powerful.
The result of my work allows something like in the picture below. First we centralize traffic capturing at the pcap collector and then have packetbeat pick-up data, decode and forward for analysis into Elasticsearch. Let’s see if upstream is merging my changes.